Education Theatres

Education Theatres

Support one of the 6 Education Theatres to boost your brand exposure and secure 1 hour of curated programming each day or book a 20-min session to present your latest advancements and discoveries.

Integration Theatre at IFEMA

The ATM Integration Theatre in IFEMA will host relevant panels and keynote presentations exploring current and future changes in the traffic management scenario.

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Expodrónica AAM / UAS Theatre at IFEMA

This theatre will host panels, workshops and keynote presentations (for industry to present on evolving AAM/UAS landscape).

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Space Theatre at IFEMA

Our Space Theatre will give voice to commercial, defense and governmental initiatives, promoting projects and technologies, including Space Traffic Management.

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Spotlight Stage at IFEMA

Designed to support the open dialog of all voices and highlight those technologies, programs, and ideas that will propel the aviation industry forward.

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Expodrónica AAM / UAS Theatre at Cuatro Vientos


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Space Theatre at Cuatro Vientos


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